
An important performance indicator for a railway station is the frequency with which it can handle consecutive trains. To verify e.g. that the two-track station can handle a passenger train every 90 sec, we write the following usage file:

vehicle passengertrain length 150.0 accel 1.0 brake 0.9 maxspeed 20.0

movement passengertrain {
  visit #start_p1 [b1]
  visit #end_p1 [b2]

movement passengertrain {
  visit #start_p2 [b1]
  visit #end_p2 [b2]
movement passengertrain {
  visit #start_p3 [b1]
  visit #end_p3 [b2]
movement passengertrain {
  visit #start_p4 [b1]
  visit #end_p4 [b2]

timing end_p1 end_p2 50.0
timing end_p2 end_p3 50.0
timing end_p3 end_p4 50.0

Running the railperfcheck program on this usage gives success, and outputs the following dispatch plan:

route ra2
route rexita2
train t4 l=150.0 a=1.0 b=0.9 v=20.0 rentrya
route ra1
route rexita1
train t3 l=150.0 a=1.0 b=0.9 v=20.0 rentrya
route ra1
route rexita1
train t2 l=150.0 a=1.0 b=0.9 v=20.0 rentrya
route ra2
route rexita2
train t1 l=150.0 a=1.0 b=0.9 v=20.0 rentrya


The plan represents a witness for the satisfaction of the properties given in the usage file, and the results can be inspected as usual.