Dispatch mode (simulation)

Command-line interface

Rolling -- simple railway simulation

    rolling [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <infrastructure> <routes> <dispatch>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Verbose mode (-v, -vv)

    -f, --format <format>            Output format profile: full | timing
    -g, --graphical <graphical>      Output directed graph for graphical conversion
    -J, --javascript <javascript>    Output JSON history as JavaScript
    -j, --json <json>                Output JSON history file
    -n, --visits <visits>            Output node visit times to file

    <infrastructure>    Static infrastructure file in the Rolling D-Graph format
    <routes>            Route file in the Rolling Route format
    <dispatch>          Dispatch file in the Rolling Dispatch format



The input model for rolling consists of three main components:

  • The infrastructure 🌍 model contains the tracks, movable elements, and signalling and interlocking components which are needed to do a running time analysis of railway dispatching.
  • The interlocking πŸ”’ model describes the elementary routes that can be dispatched.
  • The dispatch πŸ‘‹ list contains times of train and route setting.

rolling uses these components together to calculate a history πŸ“ˆ of events, which contains the state of the infrastructure at each point in time, and the dynamics of the trains as they move on the infrastructure.

Each of these are described in more detail in their respective sections.